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Sunday, November 2, 2008

A sudden return

Yo guys! It's been so long since i've blogged. Many events have passed but i'm not gonna tell you everything. Uh-uh.. What can you do? :)

So you readers might just be wondering:
How's your overall school performance result?
How's life been until now?
What have you been doing?

As you all may(not) know, i'm not a bright student in terms of language and memory. Somehow my strength in studies lies in memorising formulas and numbers. Kinda feel like a nerd. But don't just think that way just yet. I know how to live a life. I stopped computer gaming, well, except for Counter Strike. I work out too, but just not that often. :)

So here are the overall results:

L1R4 aggregate: 11
L1R5 aggregate: 16

So as you can see, i'm not really a student who can enter a JC, so i might just aim for a polytechnic instead.

Anyway, wondering how has my life been since my birthday? It's normal actually. Nothing special. Nothing to do, i lazed around like a potato couch indulging myself into the awesome graphics of the Playstation 3. I tried the new game "Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of Patriots" and wow, it's not just a shooting game. It's.. WOW MAN!! I know i sound dorky just because of this sci-fi game. The thing is, i don't even understand the story at all. Guess it is because i never even played the earlier versions. But yeah.. It's still a wow.. I'd give it a 9/10 for first time players and 10/10 for metal gear solid fans. Another awesome thing about this game is that it is able to play the game online. Unfortunately, it isn't much fun as Counter Strike since there are like no players from Singapore and it doesn't have the "guai lan" graphics which counter strike has.

Alright so anyway, most of the time since 4 October, i've been quite lonely since i've only been to a few dates with her since she her parents doesn't let her out during the holidays due to her quite poor result. What i think is that it really isn't her fault that her results are poor.

It's totally her parents' fault.

The thing is, they don't even understand her at all, they use her as a puppet to vent their anger on. Why did i say puppet? Wonder what they do to unwanted puppets? They torcher them like a "souless human". It's like when her father is in a bad mood, he... Never mind.

She went to seek help from a family counsellor herself, but in vain. It was completely useless, they just never change. Her mother... She just sat and watch her suffer. And as bitchy as she is, she even indirectly called her a slut.

Time and time i've been helping her. It did help her cheer up but it was only a temporary effect. She kept saying life's meaningless. She said it was because of me that she's holding on.

She has no freedom.

She is a prisoner.

Once again i stressed that both her parents are very inhumane. Saying their daughter as the cause of her grandmother's death when she was the one who kept taking care of her until she passed away. Such childish parents don't have the right to have children. Especially her father, forcing her to kiss him on the cheeks right after getting off the car upon reaching school or else he'll beat her up once she reach home. Not even a police can help her..

Well anyway, i'll be going out with her next week from tuesday onwards. To bright up her life everyday. :)

So anyway, just a few days ago, more like two days ago, the last day of school. I went out with my buds to play basketball. I tried to do a slam dunk but failed in both tries. I fell about three meters on the second try. But it wasn't anything serious. :)

One thing really pissed me off badly. I felt a strong force crashed against my back and my spectacle flew. Well obviously Hock Siong WAS the culprit and i really got pissed because i was already tired and not in a really good mood. So i rushed back at him and lightly ripped his P.E t-shirt. It was like a small fight but we worked it out later. :)

Alright I think i'll stop here. I'll try updating frequently again just like last time. :) Goodnight readers! :)

we used to be- 2:58 AM

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Today is Bobby's Birthday

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Bobby, happy birthday to you. :)

Apologies to my friends Bao Xian and Gino and the guys for not being able to spend my birthday with you all. I spent it with my girlfriend. :x

7.30am- i woke up and slept for another 15 minutes. :D And then i asked my maid to cook me instant noodle for breakfast. I bathed cowboy style, thinking that i had to rush to my girlfriend's by 9am to start the day. But the longest time spent was 15 minutes of styling my hair. I know i'm weird but i just love to try different style and maintain my styling skills. XD Maybe i can become a hairstylist someday? Lol, fat hope Booby. I washed my hands and sprayed my hair to ensure long lasting results and perfumed my shirt. I then picked my my used clothes and towel and placed them inside a bucket of dirty clothes where my maid will do the rest.

8.15am- Oh gosh, i might be late!

I ate a forced breakfast and packed up my bag for a quick study at the airport later. I mean it's still exam period so i still have to study lah. And when i opened the door and smsed my girlfriend if she had woken up, she said, "FUCK FUCK FUCK SORRY SORRY I JUST WOKE UP!! I didn't hear the alarm sorry sorry i'll rush... I will go out of the house zat 9.45am like that. Sorry sorry..."

Me: Hahaha it's okay, take your time DUDE~~ Hehe, i also slowly slowly go to your place.

9.00am- i just arrived at amk hub and slowly walk to the bus terminal to take either bus 22 or 24.

Wow bus 24 left me... Cool~~
So anyway i just waited for another bus and bus number 22 came 10 minutes later. :)

9.20am- I reached the bus stop and decided to wait there. She told me that she had stomach pain from eating a forced breakfast. I got slightly angry at her for rushing like that and decided to go to the back gate of her house to fetch her just in case she needed help.

10.20am- Wow, she just came out...

Me: What happened?
Her: Nothing...
Me: C'mon there was something going on tell me..
Her: Nothing... :)
Me: Lectured?
Her: Haha... No lah...
Me: Liar, your father was lecturing you..
Her: How you know?
Me: Your sister told me, it's about sleeping late right?
Her: Why would she tell you? It's more than that. Sorry for making you wait very long.
Me: Nevermind. :)

And so we boarded bus 24 and went all the way to airport terminal 3. Trust me, it IS a study heaven there. It was so FUCKING quiet and bright and cooling at Coffee Club. But it was a restaurant lah, so i ordered a $2 regular coffee so that we can sit there and study. We studied quite a lot until 1pm and there were many things that happened in between, but it's a secret~ It'll be in my diary. :)

1.00pm- We boarded the train to Harbourfront, again, things happened inside the train. Diary~

2.10pm- We reached Harbourfront MRT station and walked to Vivo City.

2.20pm- Just in time, the movie starts at 2.20pm. What movie? House Bunny! Hahaha but before that, my tank is full if you know what i mean. XD So in the theatre, we sat down and watched the show. It was nice, story was nice and surprisingly i was not horny at all. :D Cool i guess. Unfortunately, midway during the screening, her father called her.

Her: Oh shit i'll get into trouble.
Me: You need to answer it in the toilet?
Her: Nevermind don't care...
Me: But won't he kill you if you don't answer the phone? I mean he hates that right?
Her: Nevermind... Just watch the show... :)
Me: Oh... Don't worry okay... Just bear with it if he's angry with you. Just let his words come in 1 ear come out 1 ear.
Her: Okay. :)

After watching that awesome movie, i was surprised that her father did not scold her. But he was in a good mood instead. Hahaha. But she still complain alot... Haiz... lazy to talk about it.

4.30pm- I accompanied her to the bookstore since she LOVES books a lot. Haha, she's a cool one. After that, i actually planned to go to the Sky Garden with her but unfortunately, she was in a rush to buy pastries for her father in Clarke Quay.

5.00pm- At Clarke Quay, she bought a dozen of cream puffs? Chocolate and cheese flavoured. And bought 2 extra for us. Haha it was DEEEELICIOUS. God, it's been a LONG LONG time since i ate pastries. Oh and then we boarded bus 80 and... ahahaha... Nothing... :)

6.15pm- She left the bus stop and i boarded bus 24 home... The end. :)

Thanks baby for spending my birthday with me... Even if you had taken risks of going out with me without asking your father and that he'd be angry but fortunately not. :) It meant a lot to me. To tell you the truth, every birthday of mine is just a plain ol' birthday. No one celebrates it. This year's special. I got to celebrate it with you and i had the most fun time i ever had. :) I have loved you for 3 and a half months. Actually more than that lah. And i plan to love you eternally. :) Once again, thank you for today... :)

we used to be- 3:57 AM

Friday, September 19, 2008

Harsh days

Good luck for upcoming exams. :)

Watch these videos to destress, once again, credits to MadTV and Bobby Lee!! XD

Bobby Lee- The Blind Kung Fu Master #1

Bobby Lee- The Blind Kung Fu Master #2

Bobby Lee- The Blind Kung Fu Master #3

Bobby Lee- The Blind Kung Fu Master #4

we used to be- 7:34 AM

Monday, September 15, 2008

It's all about life

I sometimes wonder, is there something wrong with me trying new stuff? Or is there something wrong with other people's reaction.

Today i was suppose to go to school at 8.45am. So that meant that i had a lot of time at home from 7.00am onwards. So i decided to try on a new hairstyle just for fun. I look at the style catalog on the wall of the bathroom. I tried to spike my hair like how the guy did for 30 minutes. I was like wow, not bad. I thought there was nothing wrong with it until some said it wasn't nice. What's so bad to just try something new? =.= Even my bag was criticized AGAIN. =.= Haha, anyway i can't spike it like that anymore. 2 reasons: my hair grows quickly and i only spike it that way when i'm going out(not to school) since it's time-wasting and causes damage to my hair.

Is there really something wrong with my hair?

Is there really something wrong with my bag that makes me look gay?

The thing is, those who criticized me were guys. Note that i mention GUYS and that i don't think that they support fashion from different countries. So what's wrong with following China and Japan? Nothing. :) I guess i should thank Hong Hui for commenting on my bag. LOL! XD

So anyway, after having lunch with Hock Siong, Alexis, Guan Siang and Wei Yuan, I noticed that Alexis's bag was slightly torn in his left or right shoulder support. I thought that he was wearing it too low and that no strength was used by his spines and only his shoulders, making the bag prone to tear easily. I told him why not follow Wei Yuan? Wei Yuan agreed to me that it was not the fashion nowadays to hang the bag low nor too high, just the right length plus it also makes it feel lighter due to the use of the back of the body to support thus making it more comfortable. Guan Siang, Alexis and Hock Siong were like REALLY AH? And they all slightly pulled up their bag. Hahaha looks like they're not updated yet. :)

At the bus-stop, Hock Siong went overbroad and PULLED THE BAG SO HIGH that he was like a parachuter. XD Not to forget pulling up his pants like a dork and carried his file.

Dork pose no.1 :)

Dork pose no.2 :)

Anyway, here's some AWESOME videos, my favourite comedian Bobby Lee!!! XD

Bobby Lee- 24 with John Cena

Bobby Lee-24 with Jordan Peele

we used to be- 1:48 AM

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Funny moments.

Gonna upload more funny videos due to popular demands. :) Anyway nothing to post today. Good luck all for your End-Of-Year exams. :D


Bobby Lee Vs Wild.

Bobby Lee's 24 with Jonathan Bilt as the terrorist.


we used to be- 5:16 AM

Friday, September 12, 2008

Love Anger Tragedy

CHIONG AH!!! I grabbed a badminton racket out of the P.E store and ran out to the parade square, finding someone to play badminton with. And that day was yesterday, during P.E lesson. My badminton partner was Guan Siang. We had much fun quite a few times until we got bored till i told him for every loser for a 5-point round, he has to run a lap around the parade square. I got pawned twice, pawned him one time, changed sides, pawned him another time, and got pawned again two times due to sight disadvantage. :(

Well anyway, during english lesson, what an unlucky event, Ms. Tan was revising tips for formal letter writing. Note this: I WAS PAYING MY GODAMN ATTENTION TO HER! I WAS JUST BROWSING THROUGH THE PAPER AND SAW THE NAME Chee Keong WHERE GINO AND I SUDDENLY TURNED OUR HEADS AND SAID "Keong Keong~" AND CHUCKLED FOR JUST A SMALL VOLUME! That's where she gave us her 'stare of death' and sent us to hell(outside the classroom at the corridor).



Waited as Gino was all the way at the end of one side of the corridor...

And she came out and talked only to me, asking what was so funny.

Me: I was browsing through the paper when Gino and I saw Chee Keong as a funny name and chuckled a little.

Ms.Tan: *nag nag nag nag*

WTF??? I dont even get to say anything. She's like a debating queen trying to oppose everything i'm saying.. =.=


Anyway as i was going home boarding the bus 56, two motherfucked up Singapore school bitches kept staring at me. One of them said,"Hi, you boy or girl?"

WTF IS WRONG WITH MY BAG?? IT IS A UNISEX BAG AND MAINLY GUYS CARRY THEM! So, i totally ignored them even though i had lots to say in my mind.

My thoughts are as followed:
Your father male or female? :)
You bitch or bastard? :)
Your mother male your father female then you singapore bitch lah? :)
You ugly bitches aren't even exposed to fashion from different countries so SHUT UP!
You guys are nothing but a social disgrace.

Anyway whatever... No offense, i'm only applying to SOME Singaporeans, at least to a small group of them that is...

Oh oh, my ex-girlfriend told me two days ago at night that she apologised for insulting me. Why? BECAUSE SHE WAS JEALOUS!!! =.= Story to be continued in the later part of this post.

So i waited in eagerness at home for her sms to inform me that she'll be leaving her house.

4.5Xpm-- She smsed me and told me that she has left the house. So i changed to my casual outing clothes, no need to be fashionable since it'll be only around an hour or so, tried out my new GATSBY deodorant, wax-spiked my hair which i don't normally do in school and set off to.... Somewhere in Singapore.. :)

When i reached that place, she was occupied with her iTouch and her storybook which i kinda forgot.

We went to an area where there is a pillar and we stopped there. She took out her handphone and showed me her smses from my ex-girlfriend to her, even though it should not be shown to me at all.

The messages are all messages of insults and unhappiness towards me.

Your tabor so ugly!
His chinese sucks! I primary 6 already better than him now.
No point being with him!
He's not good enough for you!
I rather go for SG guys than him lah.

Do you see why i don't really like Singapore girls now and why she's jealous? I think she just want us to break apart and take her revenge towards me for not patching back with her. That's so uncool.

The rest of my date with my girldfriend... Updated in my personal diary. :)

And that night, i was smsing my indonesian friend. She totally agreed with me how she also dislike some Singaporean girls. Note that it was a SHE. I don't want to carry on what we were saying since i don't want to offend any Singapore readers. :)

Today, nothing much. My mother stacked up my work in a slipshod manner and i thought i had finished packing my bag last night until i found out that i did not bring my English situational writing essay which was to be handed up today. I SHOUTED and SWORN at her and she did the same. In class i smsed her and told her no need to bring and that i was rewriting my essay during mathematics class. And during mathematics class, hahaha, got back my elementary maths test back.

8/15.. :)

1 careless mistake, 7 marks gone.. How cool is that? :)

Whatever, i consider myself up-to-standard for this test. :)

After school, late for archery class but no punishment though. :)

My archery skills GREATLY improved.

Upon 15, my scores are as followed:

I was in the top 10 archers for the day until i had to share the board with KENNY. I had to change the bow, target board and arrows. I conclude that bad feng shui was on my side. Since then my score became 7/15 and 8/15. During the finals, my fellow brother scout Xuan jie won the competition and will be awarded a trophy soon. :D Congratulations. :)

I then had a personal competition with kenny again. I forgot how many shoot-outs we had, but my score was 71? And his was 68. I so owned his 1 buck. :D

Rest of the day? Nothing much to say, will update it in my diary. :D

Oh, watch this kewl video, sure to crack your nuts and cherries! XD

Pornstar Registration

we used to be- 7:09 AM

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Maybe i shouldn't have bring the two of you together. You're nothing but trouble for the both of us. I'm not being jealous i swear. I'm just worried you might affect her in her studies and life.


Emaths test-- what a FLUNK! 1 HUGE careless mistake and i'm gonna lose marks big time! :( Therefore became emo during geography class. Bad memories came into my head and i cant do the worksheet given by the relief teacher.

What memories?

Last night, i was VERY pissed.

Yesterday afternoon, my ex-girlfriend smsed me. She said, "Maybe it's better for me to just stay out of your life since you already have a stead. I dont want to be extra." Something like that, i even translated her "english"
Me:I'm not patching back with you after those hurtful memories and now i'm with her. Sorry.
My ex:Okay, then see you next time bah, i don't want to extra.
Me:You are not an extra. You just have to realise your past mistakes. I did not choose to live you alone like that, you are my friend and i intend to keep it that way. And i don't mind introducing my girlfriend to you and i bet the three of us can be great friends. :)
My ex: *i forgot what she said* Tell me her name and number.

And so i gave her the information.

Later that night, i was on the phone with my girlfriend.

Me: So, are you two cool?
Her: Yes! We got "married"!
Me: =.=
Her: She said you... Uhh nevermind cannot tell, i promised her not to say.
Me:*feels indifferent*

After our conversation, i smsed my ex and asked her what the two of them were talking about.

My ex: Lol, no ah.
Me: Hahaha okay okay, i guess i shan't be a kapoe kid.
My ex: ~.~ even if you asked me i wont say lah. Anyway, i'm pro in flirting with girls. The rest i will pangseh one. (The rest i dont understand her fucking english)
Me: You will pangseh my girlfriend?
My ex: I wont pangseh your charbor lah. Ni fang xin. Limbu wont pangseh anybody but will pangseh you even though we are friends. ~.~
Me: Ow...kay... Haha..ha...
My ex: Eh, i just did my houseworkleh, i guai hor?
Me: You don't normally do them?
My ex: As if. I very guai one. I not like you.......So.......... Guai lan de..... I rocks!
Me: Hahaha okay okay...
My ex: And hor!!! Your char bor is like 1000x better than you lah! You like... =.=
Me: You done insulting me...?
My ex: Ya why? Not happy already uh? Buay song right? Ok bye.

WHAT A MOTHER FUCKING BITCH! I THOUGHT WE COULD BE FRIENDS! Why did she change... Dammit i don't wanna talk to such people. HATE HATE HATE THEM! Hokkien spamming bitches...


Wrote it down in my personal diary and yeah... That's all for today...


we used to be- 6:29 AM


Name: Bobby Muljono
Age:15 this year
Blood Type: Unknown
CCA: Scouts
School: Beatty Secondary School


Playing basketball
My family
My friends
To sleep


Act cute morons
Childish people


To be with her eternally
Have a happy family
To own a dog




August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008



