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Sunday, November 2, 2008

A sudden return

Yo guys! It's been so long since i've blogged. Many events have passed but i'm not gonna tell you everything. Uh-uh.. What can you do? :)

So you readers might just be wondering:
How's your overall school performance result?
How's life been until now?
What have you been doing?

As you all may(not) know, i'm not a bright student in terms of language and memory. Somehow my strength in studies lies in memorising formulas and numbers. Kinda feel like a nerd. But don't just think that way just yet. I know how to live a life. I stopped computer gaming, well, except for Counter Strike. I work out too, but just not that often. :)

So here are the overall results:

L1R4 aggregate: 11
L1R5 aggregate: 16

So as you can see, i'm not really a student who can enter a JC, so i might just aim for a polytechnic instead.

Anyway, wondering how has my life been since my birthday? It's normal actually. Nothing special. Nothing to do, i lazed around like a potato couch indulging myself into the awesome graphics of the Playstation 3. I tried the new game "Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of Patriots" and wow, it's not just a shooting game. It's.. WOW MAN!! I know i sound dorky just because of this sci-fi game. The thing is, i don't even understand the story at all. Guess it is because i never even played the earlier versions. But yeah.. It's still a wow.. I'd give it a 9/10 for first time players and 10/10 for metal gear solid fans. Another awesome thing about this game is that it is able to play the game online. Unfortunately, it isn't much fun as Counter Strike since there are like no players from Singapore and it doesn't have the "guai lan" graphics which counter strike has.

Alright so anyway, most of the time since 4 October, i've been quite lonely since i've only been to a few dates with her since she her parents doesn't let her out during the holidays due to her quite poor result. What i think is that it really isn't her fault that her results are poor.

It's totally her parents' fault.

The thing is, they don't even understand her at all, they use her as a puppet to vent their anger on. Why did i say puppet? Wonder what they do to unwanted puppets? They torcher them like a "souless human". It's like when her father is in a bad mood, he... Never mind.

She went to seek help from a family counsellor herself, but in vain. It was completely useless, they just never change. Her mother... She just sat and watch her suffer. And as bitchy as she is, she even indirectly called her a slut.

Time and time i've been helping her. It did help her cheer up but it was only a temporary effect. She kept saying life's meaningless. She said it was because of me that she's holding on.

She has no freedom.

She is a prisoner.

Once again i stressed that both her parents are very inhumane. Saying their daughter as the cause of her grandmother's death when she was the one who kept taking care of her until she passed away. Such childish parents don't have the right to have children. Especially her father, forcing her to kiss him on the cheeks right after getting off the car upon reaching school or else he'll beat her up once she reach home. Not even a police can help her..

Well anyway, i'll be going out with her next week from tuesday onwards. To bright up her life everyday. :)

So anyway, just a few days ago, more like two days ago, the last day of school. I went out with my buds to play basketball. I tried to do a slam dunk but failed in both tries. I fell about three meters on the second try. But it wasn't anything serious. :)

One thing really pissed me off badly. I felt a strong force crashed against my back and my spectacle flew. Well obviously Hock Siong WAS the culprit and i really got pissed because i was already tired and not in a really good mood. So i rushed back at him and lightly ripped his P.E t-shirt. It was like a small fight but we worked it out later. :)

Alright I think i'll stop here. I'll try updating frequently again just like last time. :) Goodnight readers! :)

we used to be- 2:58 AM


Name: Bobby Muljono
Age:15 this year
Blood Type: Unknown
CCA: Scouts
School: Beatty Secondary School


Playing basketball
My family
My friends
To sleep


Act cute morons
Childish people


To be with her eternally
Have a happy family
To own a dog




August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008



