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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Apologies for not posting yesterday since i arrived home late from campfire :) Let's start with yesterday then shall we? :)

7.45am... SHIT I'LL BE LATE!!!
*Picks up phone to check for messages*
Please wear your Beatty Beaver shirt and jeans for today's ice-skating and bring your full-u.

So i changed to my Beatty Beaver shirt and a pair of blue jeans right after a hot shower. Blow-dried my hair and quick-styled my hair. In the end my hair didn't stand at all since i did it in a rush with little wax. Haha, well, whatever. :)

8.00am-- Breakfast for 10 minutes.
So anyway, i still have to pack my dancing costume into my bag since i'll be dancing in the campfire. :D

I took the train to Bishan MRT then until it was 8.15am... Lucky me, Mr.Pon was also in the same train as me and told me that he'll be meeting up with the other scouts too. Guess i'm saved. :D

Got to Bishan MRT when i saw everyone in their scouts uniform.


Turned out that i was given wrong information by my PL, Sanjay. Sometimes i think that he should not be a PL. There are two reasons for this:

1: He's irresponsible
2: He skipped today's event with an "excuse"

So i changed into my full-u inside the toilet near MacDonalds. And reported back to the meeting area.

RI instituition... So... We're the supporters of the ScoutLoreQuest Competition huh... I DON'T CARE! :D

So what if we got gold? Not that i really care. :)

Nothing to say about that event except i was just restless. :D

Changed to my Beatty Beaver shirt and my jeans right after that LONG competition.

So anyway, we had our lunch at a nearby hawker centre, which i had Yong Tau Foo instead of chicken rice due to the long stretch of queue. Unfortunately, we only had 5 minutes to eat. :(

AHH!!! MY TONGUE!! IT GOT SCALDED BY THE SOUP!!! Dang it! Fuckin eating time...

Ahh, whatever.

Met back at Bishan MRT station and waited for everyone to arrive before we go for a ride on the train to City Hall MRT.

Missed the first train because Vincent and Boon Chong were dilly-dallying inside 7-11 to buy drinks.

So, all of us entered the platform anyway, aaannd waited for the train to come. :) When the first train came, half of us boarded the train since it was full and the other half decided to meet them at City Hall MRT platform.

So then, the other half including me, boarded the second train. Wei Yuan was with me and... other.. scouts.. yeah. :) We had laughs when we talked about our classmate. Who is our classmate you wonder? He told me that Gino, Hock Siong, Calista, Nadiah, Jaslyn and Jolyn went cycling. So i gasped and laughed. Sorry, guess it was bad of me to make such a joke. :X Emo-ed the rest of the way there since i have no one to talk to.

City Hall MRT

Ahh, saw them. Regrouped and took the green line to Kallang. Upon arrival at Kallang, we took bus 16 to Kallang Leisure Park and regrouped again just outside the ice-skating place. ICE SKATING WOOHOO!! Nervous but excited! It was my first time anyway so yeah... Hahaha. Took a loooong time to get prepared until everyone finally paid $18.50 for the entrance fee.

Took the ticket.
Wore the gloves.
Entered the area.
Placed my bag on the floor near the ice-skating ring.
Measured my foot at the ice-skating shoes rental place.
Grabbed the shoes and wear the shoes.
*Wobbly wobbly wobbly* Woo-oo-ooow~

*Dug dug.... Dug dug*
My heart beated fast as i entered the ice-skating ring.
Almost fell luckily i grabbed the edges of the ice-skating ring.
Ahh~~ Slippery~~ Hard to balance~~
Skated one round while holding the edges. Looked at other people skate and followed them. I DID IT! I CAN SKATE! Slowly that is...

Made one round without holding.
Tried faster and fell... Ouch!
Kept on trying until my friend grabbed my hand and both of us fell while i slid 360 degrees and wet my pants. NOT IN THE SENSE OF PEE! XD
Took some shots and...
Made two rounds with faster speed.

Uhh... I'm having no mood to continue now. So if i sound hyper then, it's for the sake of making today's post lively. I'm just having problems...

So anyway, grabbed a drink and changed into my scouts uniform in the public toilet.

Walked to the bus-stop alone and meet up with the dancers from my scouts group, Chong Han, Xuan Jie and Allan.

Took bus 16 to Dhoby Ghaut MRT even though we overshot one stop unfortunately. Haha, ended up walking one stop back and across to Dhoby Ghaut MRT. On our way, May Lwin, my senior, asked me if i have a girlfriend.

Bobby, you got girlfriend ah?
Ya, why?
Ohh... Who's her name?
Don't want anyone to know...
Why are you so secretive and always hiding your profile?
I just don't want anyone to know...
I don't want to repeat the same mistake again, i'll be vigilant in hiding this secret from now on and will only tell to those whom i trust 100%.
What mistake?
I lost my friend...
Who's your friend?
...I lost my friend and my ex...
He's from scouts right?
Maybe... How'd you tell?
Because you're always the quiet one.
Scouts was fun when i was still secondary one and two, now i've no one to talk to except Wei Yuan.
Conversation ended somehow.

Went inside Dhoby Ghaut interchange and made our way to Kovan MRT station. I'm making this short because i really have no mood to write...

Waited for everyone to change into their scouts uniform just outside the MRT.

Done and took bus 136 to Serangoon Secondary School.

Hi, boyfriend~ one of the Balestier Hill guides woo-ed one of us as we were boarding the bus...
Couldn't be me... Even if it were me, i'd not care.

Ahh, finally reached the place.

Guys, you have 15 minutes to change and rehearse for the dance. Place your bags on the chair and change to your dancing costume.

Ahh, the 70's...
Changed into long sleeve and scout pants and shoes in the toilet where the door was like the ones that most HDB houses have as a second layer door. Sorry, my english isn't that good. Wow, i bet the girls peak into the boy's toilet everyday. XD

Unbuttoned two buttons.
Tucked in the shirt.
Rushed to the hall, placed our uniforms on the chair and went backstage to rehearse.
It was then our turn.
Here's the procedure:

The rest of the campfire... No comments... Emo-ed because...
I missed you so much

Cabbed home after refreshment and talked to her on the phone.
Slept today at 12am and tuitioned in the morning at 10am while i brought food inside and did my school holiday homework while waiting.

Bla bla bla~~~

Afternoon tuition approximately 2pm-- She smsed me and told me that she would be free tomorrow and will be studying with her friend..
"I don't care i want to go out with you!!! I missed going out with you." as quoted from her.
That just to cheer me up? And ended up just a lie?
No Bobby... You're jumping into conclusions. Just be cool.
So i did.
Went back into study mood.
I placed her second in my life where i once always placed her priority in most things i did, let's say, rejecting my friends just to go out with her and ended up she cant go out with me.
I'm tired of this.
She's not a priority in my life just temporarily... Until she realises how it feels to sacrifice my time with my friends to go out with her and ALWAYS ended up not going.
I've enough of this.
Next time she's free and i'm occupied with my friends. Too bad.

That's all... I say no more... No mood to say anything else...

Kallang Ice Place

Group photo 1

Group photo 2

Let light guide you to heaven :)

we used to be- 1:36 AM

Friday, August 29, 2008

No mood to post anything today due to personal problems.

Will update tomorrow.

we used to be- 6:31 AM

Thursday, August 28, 2008

No time to post yesterday, well, i'll post stuff about yesterday and today then! :)

Uhh yeah... I... kinda have a baaaad memory so.. I think there's not much yesterday..

Frisbee.. I know that.. There's still something missing... Yup! :) Nothing to talk about before the inter-class ultimate frisbee competition! Except i slept the WHOLE one period in geography class. *Drools*.

Had a heavy lunch, went for the social studies LSP and off to the hall for the inter-class frisbee competition!


So it was our turn then. We played against the 3NX. I forgot which class. And GOD it wasn't a good game at all!

Game start!

I got the frisbee from Alexis!
Go go go!!!
Score not counted as they stepped into the goal post.


As continued, the opponent threw the frisbee mid-air
*Looks up*
*Jumps and catches the frisbee*
*Caught the frisbee! :D*
One fucker chiong at me and snatched it away.




I didn't feel that i've lost anyway. I'll feel lost IF they'd play fair and they show true sportsmanship. Well whatever, just gotta let bygones be bygones. :D

Basketball? Don't think so..

I rejected their offer for a game of basketball since i had to type out the english essay plus some other homework i have to do.

Went home and was invited to dinner with my father, Japanese restaurant. :D Wasn't hungry though, so i ate little.

Daddy, i wanna buy a pair of shorts. I need $50 i think.


Okay... uhh.. guess i'll see you at home dad.

Went down the escalator and entered the "Surf'n'Rider" shop.




Uh.Uhh... No way... So anyway, the shopkeeper said it was okay and led me to the exit. I was surprised that she remembered me!!!

Wah, you suddenly become so skinny already. Size 32 too big for you, you need around 30. Sorry we don't have one.
Wow you remembered me? Hahaha sorry uh, not enough money, i'd come back when my size has arrived. See ya! :)

Uhh.... Whatever, that's all for yesterday.. Let's talk about today!


Sorry, i guess i'll just skip today's update. See ya. :)

we used to be- 3:58 AM

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The 70's, Michael Jackson~~ Phedofile... XD

That's the topic for today but first, lets talk about school curriculum first shall we? I swore to myself that i'd do my BEST to score high marks for any upcoming test. :)

So did i.

2 hours of study had paid off. 21/25 for geography test without cheating! :)

Why did i say that?

Well, apparently, this form of test is a CPS format. I don't know what it stands for but it uses a remote control to answer all questions. MCQ ones. Many scored HIGH distinctions for the social studies test and POA test because they were cheating. Answers were shouted out from one corner to another.


Well, the good thing is that i scored highest in my geography elective class. I think.. :)
Alexis, Hock Siong, and other students from Ms.Chen's class scored higher average than our class because their test were held at the end of the day. Which meant that we told them the questions and answers. Most of them scored as high as mine. Haha, whatever, they asked for it, i'm not the one taking their O levels. :)

Late for work Bobby...

I'm just gonna shorten about what happened on the rest of the day. :)

3.XXpm-- Venga and Parry, my seniors, came back to school to teach us dancing for the Serangoon Scout's campfire. I was nervous at first. Since it was just the start of the day. Meaning i was not enthusiastic at all. :) But as time passes, we managed to complete the whole dance. Unfortunately, as we were rehearsing, a couple of students walked past the rehearsing area and laughed at our dance.

What'dya expect!! It's the 70's! It's sexy and apparently it WILL BE BETTER IF THE GIRLS WERE TO DO IT! I mean, 70's are hippies generation. All they know is sex, sex and sex! The dance was SOOOO sexy!!! And on top of that, the dancers were not even sexy because they're not enthusiastic at all!!! =.=


6.20pm-- 6.20pm??!! It's that late??!! We wanted to rehearse somemore but we ended up playing frisbee. I learned two new techniques. I'll teach them tomorrow since my inter-class captain frisbee will be held tomorrow... :)

At the hall..

Parry: Bobby, you clubber right? Dance lah.
Bobby: I'm so young, i can't dance.
*Parry did the first step of breakdancing, the shuffle*
*I did the same*
Ended up having a "mini bboy battle"
Parry did breakdancing and so did i :D
What fun we had and the girls FAR FAR behind the hall were like do it again do it again!


Started rehearsing on stage with a few audience..


Too late to rehearse...

Slacked at home...

Gotta rush on my work. cya :)

we used to be- 6:47 AM

Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm gonna score higher than you hear that??!! Don't worry, i scored higher than you in 40% of overall marks(semester 1). You scored higher than me in 20% of the overall marks(CA2).


Why am i so competitive?


Mdm Wan did not come?? No survey?? Weird... Ended up only three boys who aren't CCA leaders. Me, Asyraf and Darren. T.T Shameful... Aaaanyway, we played around in the class until we got exhausted until i ended up talking to Calista. We were talking about... Uhh... Nevermind... ^^"

Moving Monday! HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT!!!

Nicholas: Bobby, Chong Han, Xuan Jie and Allan, move aside and rehearse for the dance for this upcoming campfire.

DANCE?!?!?! ME?!??!!


Okay so the theme for the campfire dance will be "The 70's" and i'm supposed to dance like MICHAEL JACKSON??!! Moonwalk, unable to perform... Moves unfarmiliar unless i'm taught to.

Whatever... Again...

GAAHH! My schedule will be so busy this week!! Grr.... Dammit! That means i'll have no time for her? NOT cool! :(

Anyway, during english lesson, the debate for the first topic "Teenagers are too young to date" had commenced. Only half was done with two proposition speaker and two opposition speaker finished. To be continued.. Well, at least i have a rough idea how the debate will work :) Ughh... I bet my team can show more enthusiasm than the other team.. XP

POA lesson~~~~ Booooo.... And i meant that Mr.Boo came into my class!! For what? For what? I...dunno....

Whatever... AGAIN...

Nothing much to say during lesson except i was happy that i was able to attempt all the questions correctly :D

After school, POA again! Now's the test.

Legend: A--Alexis, Agnes, Asyraf

Bobby what's the answer??
TEEHHHHT!!! The answer's wrong...
Bobby now what's the answer??

Ended up 54.5%...

I'll do better next time.
I'll do better next time.


I'm just gonna make this fast.

Ate lunch with Hock Siong, Gino, Alexis and Wei Yuan at the nearby coffeeshop. Chill around the playground on our way to the bus-stop. Tore Hock Siong's back pocket. SERVED YOU RIGHT! HAHAHA!!! That's for raping me there. :p

Okay okay, i gotta go, eat my dinner and study for tomorrow's test. Gotta do well... Please god.. Bless me with the power to score.. :)

we used to be- 3:36 AM

Sunday, August 24, 2008

26 minutes till bedtime! :)
I'll be writing a short journal for today then.. :)

Wake up BOOBY!
No i dont want to.
Oi, tuition lah 9.10am already.
*Shuts door and left me behind*

9.20am-- Why are you taking so long to shower?
*No reply and went out of the room*

Took a cleeeean shower then~ Dryed my hair~ Styled my hair~ 9.30am...
9.30am?!?!?! DUDE!! Tuition starts at 10am and not yet a breakfast???


9.54am(time checked from my handphone), so i thought: ahh, still time to take away MacDonald's. :D Sausage MacGriddles with egg meal, tea for the drink take away please. :) Handed $5.90 over and left the counter in search for milk powder and sugar. No milk powder? Huh? Stepped back to the counter. Auntie, where's the milk powder? Ain't any left. I was then given 2 packet strips of Nestle milk powder. Took my breakfast in the plastic bag away then.

Rode the escalator, was not late for tuition! :D So my breakfast was finally consumed there. Hehe, my tuition center allows food to be consumed inside. :)


Nothing much to say anyway XD

Did my Emaths homework at home and planned to study too but ended up talking to her. :)

Sleep! Study poa test tomorrow. Goodnight! :)

we used to be- 7:30 AM

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I take it as a quarrel but you dont take it as a quarrel. Hello~ you're text-SHOUTING at me, isn't that quarreling? Well, whatever it is, it's over now :)

Why am i saying this?

I woke up in the morning and she texted me : You better wake up and reply me, why do you always have to tell my sister everything? Do you love it when i get shit?!!
Me: I just told her that your book was confiscated!! Whats wrong with that??!! Why are you angry??

Story is unable to continue due to unwanted sharing of personal feelings. :)

Nothing to do in the afternoon, just a slouch at home with worries about her. Played computer games for awhile to occupy my mind.

4.00pm-- Talked to her on the phone as if we were debating. Hahaha. :)

Conflict resolved :)

Ahh~ Life's back for the both of us. Not even a quarrel. :D She was laughing as we were "debating" among each other. :)

*Ring ring ring*

Picked up the phone as my auntie invited me to dinner along with the guests in my house and my brother.

5.30pm-- got changed and hollered a taxi into my house since my guests are old people and unable to walk far distances. As we reached Takashimaya, our destination, also having to pay $17.XX, we scouted the area for Pepper Lunch since none of us knew where the place is.

Ah found it! :)
It was a short distance only. :D Our food was already on the table, my aunt's treat.
Thanks i guess. :) Mine was beef pepper rice and the rest... Ahh lazy to say it out.. :) *Gobble gobble gobble* I'm still hungry! XD I suppose it was due to skipping lunch. :D Ate half of rib eye as i passed the other half to the rest.
*BURP!* Full... :) Drank Pepsi Light and made our way back to the taxi stand. Oh! Passed by a bakery, Crystal Jade Bakery and bought a chocolate doughnut! :D And passed by "guardian" and bought facial wash. Mine had just ran out today. :)

Took a cab home, price is $10.05. 5 cents was unpaid, lazy to take said the driver. :)

Now here i am, updating the blog. :)

See ya, gotta do my work :)

we used to be- 5:50 AM

Friday, August 22, 2008

Never posted yesterday. Tired? Lazy? I...dunno..? :)

Assembly today was quite an event since it was the first or second time(not that i can remember...) i heard Mr.Sin scream. A boy from secondary two(one?)? Whoever it was, he was wearing shorts, so he belonged to the lower secondary boys. Goddammit! It was SO obvious that he highlighted his hair! Teens these days... Please have some brains... If you want to look cool with coloured hair... Highlight your hair but NOT THAT OBVIOUS! =.= So he was shouted at(you deserved it punk!) and everyone's attention was at those two. :D

Once assembly was over, i kinda panicked... But not really though.. My mind was like: Oh shit! He'll most likely brag about long hair for the boys in the class! I'll be one of them! AHHHHH! But not that it matters. I don't think he'll go to the extent as to send us to Mr.Singh for a "lovely" haircut. :D

So bla bla bla, during english lesson, Ms.Tan wasn't around in school. We were to discuss about our debate topic with a relief teacher around. At first all of us were into discussing the topic but everyone ended up losing interest in their discussion and went to do their own things. I was studying fo the social studies test which will be the next lesson whereas my friends were all playing poker cards. :D

Mr.Singh then entered the classroom
Mr.Singh: Where is Yeong Shiu Man? Huh? I am not playing around, this is a serious matter. She has been skipping alot of detentions and is holding a bad record. This bad record will be recorded in the school cockpit and will be sent to the MOE... *stares around* Boy! Your hair... Huh? So long.. You see? You better get it cut ah!
*takes out his camera phone, turned SimYi around 180 degrees and took picture of his long back*. You better get it cut as soon as possible!

Bobby, dont panic... Just look at your paper, dont look at him. That fucking bastard turban head.

And then... WAHH IM SOOO TIRED SO IM JUST GONNA MAKE THIS QUICK! >< Yeong Shiu Man was found out by the girls who volunteered in our class and was returned to class and then handled by Mr.Singh. Along with Yu She, which i didnt know wtf she had done wrong.

Social studies lesson-- TEST!! Remote controls were distributed to all of us as this form of test is to press the answer from the remote control. Most of the time i pressed first. I was making sounds like "TEET! YES i first!" But unfortunately, i scored 18/20 at last which is below average as the average marks were 96.2%. I mean, EVERYONE WAS CHEATING! IT WAS SO OBVIOUS THEY'LL BE ABLE TO SCORE HIGH MARKS! WTF MAN!! Haiz.. Whatever... Im not one of the cheaters and i dont want to be one unless in times of emergency. :P

I.... AM.... SO.... TIRED.... NOW!!!

Lets get this quick. We were all dismissed and i went outside the scout's den to place my bag and played chapteh with Guan Siang, Boon Chong, Chong Kwan and Elgin.
I insulted Guan Siang for his big head alot of times until i got man-fucked by him. :(

Skip skip skip. It was archery lesson! :D

Didn't seem interesting today. It was always the same as last time. Just shoot 3 arrows, take turns, and shoot again. BOOOOOORIINNNGG!!! Drizzle!! I HATE RAIN! Unless i am indoor.. Many reasons to list out. Lazy to state. All you need to know is, i... hate... rain! And it GREATLY affects my accuracy. Before it rained, i scored 3 red and 2 yellow. During the rain... Hahaha, 1 shot at the wood and was deflected, 1 pierced through the side of the board as the string snipped against my arm, 2 black and 1 blue. Whatever... I'm not that interested in archery with this type of lesson everytime.

4.00pm-- Scout meeting starts... Dont want to say anything about it... It was REALLY REALLY tiring. That's all.

When i got home, i got excited and asked my brother without hesitation,"ANDREW ANDREW! THE PS3 CAN PLAY?!?!"
Andrew: Cannot, need LCD screen Hi-Def TV.
Me: Aww...

Yeap! That's right! I finally got my PS3!!!! Just need 1 more controller and an LCD TV. FIFA08 WILL SOON BE AVAILABLE TO PLAY MULTIPLAYER! :D

Tired... Tired... And i just had my tuition as i fell asleep on my bed when i told my tutor i wanted to go to the toilet... FOR 15 MINUTES! XD

Tired.. Sleep... Goodnight readers... :)

we used to be- 8:05 AM

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

7.XXam-- "BOBBY COME OUT!" Jerold screamed and asked me to become my school's schhol flag bearer. Chong Kwan was called out to become the national flag bearer too! XD You're in the same position as me dude..

7.25am-- Morning assembly!~
Me: *Stands up with school flag draped on my left shoulder*
Chong Kwan: Eh, Bobby, this one correct or not?
Me: Ahh~ collect, collect, can can~ :)
Noise was then ceased by the DM of the school to start the national anthem.
So i continued pulling the flag :)

Pull! Pull! Dont go over the national flag!!!

*National amthem ends*

Me: Congratulations :)

*Takes pledge, pledge ends*


So, i tied the rope to the pole and strolled back to my class row, passing the quiet students and teachers.

Today's schedule to talk about: Maths lesson
English lesson
Uhh... Physics lesson

Let's start with maths lesson!

I sat down on my chair, drooling on my desk as Mr.Sin stepped into the class carrying a bulk of "paper", which was our Amaths test paper. :) I asked around for a piece of graph paper and a foolscap paper and ended up with the three of them at the same time(sweet!).
*Stares at first question*
*Stares at the other question*
*Ahh, Bobby Bobby.... Relax... You can do it.. :) SIMPLE!!!*
Done and done! I passed the paper up to the front as i started to discuss answers with my friends as Mr.Sin waited for us to settle down.
"SHIIIIT, CARELESS!!!" i got shocked as i noticed that i had lost 4 careless mistake marks and 3 marks gone for mistake on the first question. 8/15??
*Don't give up Bobby, let this go once and dont repeat the mistake :)*
As everyone settled down, Mr.Sin started his "to-do-list" for the next 15 minutes. First, I was pointed out for my long hair(LONG?!?! IT IS SHORT YOU BLIND ASS!) as well as Alexis, Hock Siong and Yeo Khee.

Time for english lesson!

Ms.Tan walked in with a grumpy attitude.
And so we sat down in our groups and started discussing for 2min37sec.
Ms.Tan: You think you guys are rich and pay $12.50 for the year of newspaper supply and dont even BOTHER to take them?!?! EVERYONE STAND UP WITH YOUR NEWSPAPERS ON THE TABLE!
Scraped out my newspaer from the "newspaper recycling corner" and placed it on Guan Siang's desk since we're doing our discussion at his desk.
Ms.Tan: Those who do not have their newspaper stand up..
Majority stood.
Ms.Tan: Where's your newspaper?
Voice#1: At home
Ms.Tan: Yours?
Voice#2: At home also
So on and so forth until it came down to 3 boys and 1 girl without taking their newspaper.
Ms.Tan: I have 8 newspapers here and there are only 4 of you standing up. *BANG* Who are thee LIARS??!!
No one owned up.
Ms.Tan: Okay, everybody stand up until someone owns up. And i can keep doing this the WHOLE YEAR if i have to!
So all of us stood up and continued doing our discussion.
Oh well, im lazy to tell about the rest. :D

Time for physics lesson!!! :)

Everyone stood up and greeted the teacher as i fidget around in anxiousness awaiting for the test results.
Ms.Choong: Im sad to say that some of you cant even do the questions which are the SAME as the questions as the practice questions. But on the other hand, 12 of you got distinction. :) *clap clap clap* BUT! There are some which i expect to get very high marks but in the end did not meet my expectations. Overall, it was not that bad.
Me: NOOOOOOO!!!! FUCK! Shit, i scared i fail.
Distinction papers were all given out without my name called.
Me: WTF?!?!?!?!
Ms.Choong: This people also did a good job too. Bobby and Marrissa. Bobby, i expected much much higher for the top physics student. Please try not to repeat this again. :)
Hahaha so anyway, after going through all of the questions, i PLEADED Ms.Choong for 1more mark for me to obtain an A1 for my physics test.
I checked the CA2 result.
I won Hock Siong
Hock Siong: ...

Ahhh~ whatever...

After school, me, Gino, Alexis, Hock Siong and Guan Siang went to KFC and had our lunch there. It suddenly rained cats and dogs on our way there and without knowing what happened, Gino's umbrella went inverted! XD Took a picture of it. At KFC, I ordered a Shrooms Burger Meal and the rest... Uh... Not sure... Well, all i know was that Hock Siong ordered Toasted Twister Meal. Once his food arrived, he unwrapped the wrapper and took the first bite. "Not bad." he said. Aaand.. He went to the chili counter and pumped LOTS and LOTS of chilli inside. Went back to the seat and shook the toasted twister as if he was masturbating XD. What fun and laughter we had back there.
Limosuine spotted!
Ahh... What the heck.. Seen some in America but it was the first time Guan Siang saw that though. Haha..

And... Yup, nothing much. Went home and dilly dally around in the house. :)

That's it? Yeah... That's it.. Bye! :)

Inverted umbrella! :)

Take no.2 :)

we used to be- 4:33 AM

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Chemistry test today, thats all i have to say. :)

Nothing special except that i guess.


Bobby, you have studied hard and put all your effort into action!


Kenny: Psst! Bobby, this answer correct or not?
Me: *thumbs up* :)
Kenny: Then this one leh?
Me: *thumbs up* :)
Me: PSST! I lazy think for this and this question!
Kenny: *showing number sign language*
Me: Sweet!
Kenny: Psst! Bobby!
Me: WHAT?!?!
Kenny: This one same as you?
Kenny: okay.
Teacher: Alright guys, times up, please hand the paper to the front. :)

Tadaa~~ Nothing else special for the day. :)

OH OH! Before the chemistry test, a bunch of ex-2E1 boys and some of 3E3 boys played chapteh and the chapteh "exploded"! :)

Well what'dya expect? 5 legs synchronize and kick the metal part of the chapteh and the whole thing dismantled by itself and the feathers flew all over HAHA! :D

The end~

we used to be- 5:31 AM

Monday, August 18, 2008

Alrighty, i'll just make this quick, i have to study for tomorrow's chemistry and geography test >_<(i HATE HATE HATE tests!). :(

Got back my Emaths test back today.

Status-- 12/15... 12/15??!! WTF?! I thought i'd get 15/15!! My methods are all correct and i understand my 1 mark mistake for lack of accuracy for my third(fourth?) question but ALL MY METHODS are correct i dont understand why i was penalised! FUCK YOU MR.SIN! YOU DONT KNOW THE TRUE MEANING OF MARKING TEST PAPERS! For maths, i was inspired SOOOO much more from my tuition teacher than Mr.Sin, my maths teacher. The truth about marking a paper is that no matter what method you use, as long as it makes sense and the answer is correct, why penalise the student? Hear that fat ass? *Sigh* whatever...

So anyway, skipping the school hours, i was selected by the quarter master of the scout's den, Wei Yuan, which is also my friend, to clear the ashes at the pole area(the palce where we keep the long wooden poles for building structures). But before that, i had to carry the AVA stuffs back to the audio visual store at the third floor. Carrying the plastic bag of "wires" and 3 sockets up, i saw Mr. Singh two times. Fortunately, my hair was unoticed by him but i was asked to tuck in my shirt. =.=

RUN RUN RUN to the den and carried 3 garbage bags to the pole area where Boon Chong, Wei Yuan and i shoveled up ashes into the garbage bag. HRRRUUUPPHHH! i went, including Boon Chong, carrying 3 layer of garbage bag filled with ashes and sand and firewood. KRRRTT KRRT RIP RIP~ the bag tore and we lifted it up on a chair where Boon Chong and i carried it to the scout's den and gave it to my officer whom just arrived as we arrived hahaha. :)

Slacking around the school i went after that. Also was in the lookout for Wei Yuan and Boon Chong who were washing the pot filled with ROTTEN curry which was left out for 2 days. Damm! Wasted my energy walking around the school when i actually walked in fron of them which i didnt notice. Well Bobby, look on the bright side! You dont need to do any washing of that disgusting thing! :)

After that, i carried another 3 garbage bag(5?) back to the pole area to scoop up somemore ashes but this time we're going to throw it away. Now that Zhen Jie had arrived, i asked Wei Yuan for the scout's den key, took my bag and returned the key to him just outside the school whereby i saw Mr.Singh unluckily. "BOY! TUCK IN YOUR SHIRT!" he baffled. So i tucked it in with the ringing sound of the keys in my hand and he went,"WHY IS THERE A KEY?! YOU CANNOT BRING THE KEY OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL! GIVE IT TO ME!" Handed over the key and shouted for Wei Yuan to retrieve the key and attempted to walk out of the school gate. Unfortunately, Mr.Turban Fuckhead exclaimed,"I SAID TUCK IN YOUR SHIRT LAAH! AND YOUR HAIR BEHIND VERY LONG!"

Walk Bobby, WALK AWAY!! and he went out of sight as i heaved a sigh of relief and tucked out my shirt again.(I'm a baaaaad boy)

Okay! end of story, gonna start studying.

This is Mr.Komplikated, fucking(signing) off! :)

we used to be- 3:57 AM

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Wonder why i did not post on Saturday? You'll know now.

I reported to school at 9am yesterday for my scout meeting. I saw a bunch of boys brigade guys marching around the carpark whereas big head was blocking the whole view. XD So anyway i reported outside the scout's den and put down my bag. I fell into Sanjay, my patrol leader(PL) to start the meeting until Jerold, my senior patrol leader(SPL) took over us and started the meeting with footdrill. Nothing much to say about footdrill except it was crappy because some of the secondary two kids were just being retards. (They were Heng Shon and Keng Ho(mentally disordered)) :)

9.30am-- My officer Aru Sir and his rovers(scouts that are above the level of JC/Polytechnic) joined in and we scattered off for a 3-minute water break and back to outside the canteen to listen to Aru Sir's briefing for the day's campfire preparation.(Booorringg~) My job was to build a gateway for the scouts and guides and other guests to enter. But before that, all of us had to set up the area by carring the cafeteria's benches and tables. Blisters and torn skin were found on my palms for carrying too many benches alone. Fuck this job! FUCK FUCK FUCK! My arms' are aching now. So anyway, about the construction of the gateway, it was a seriously fucked up job where my junior had to order us to build the gateway, not forgetting my SPL. FUCK this job! I had splinters, bruises, rope burn all over my palms for 4 hours which we had lunch after that. Lunch was over when Aru Sir shouted at us for building a gateway of such horrid! WTF?!?! I SPENT FOUR HOURS DOING HALF OF IT AND IT WAS FUCKING REJECTED! So? I dont care anymore :) I slacked for the rest of the day and continued with the refreshments which i am in charge of. I were to prepare cheese bread(bite size), tuna sandwich and hotdog-and-pineapple on a toothpick. Did it until it was 5pm along with two of the rover scouts MayLwin and Isa.

5.15pm-- I bathed in the male staff toilet(kewl~). The shower cubical was fuckin cramped man! Buckets, mops, cleaning tools were in my way! Fortunately i still had a great shower with soap, facial wash and shampoo. Took lots of time not counting the time i had to wear my scouts uniform which was almost as long as my shower, but i was not late at all! :) So I dilly-dallied inside and even used "Gatsby Wild`n`Wet" moving rubber(not so much or it'll ruin my hair) and made a messy and trendy look for my hair.(Messy!Messy!Messy!)

6.00pm-- We made final preparations including rehearsal and cleaning up the area. Scouts, girl guides and other guests started to come in as i was having my dinner(fried rice Mmm-mm-mm~). I had my dinner quick and volunteered ushering the scouts and guides to their seats. Luckily all i ushered were guides! Hot ones! Haha just kidding.. :) Not that interested, I already have one HOHOHOHO~ :D So once i was done ushering and the time was 7.00pm, i took some pictures with my phone(horrible camera EUULIEKKK~ 2 Megapixels only), but it's worth the memory though... :)

8.00pm-- i went to an isolated place and called up my girlfriend(i missed her too much since i didn't talk to her for a day) and talked to her for 30 minutes. Surprisingly, no one was looking for me while i was talking to her. :) Good news i thought. :D Unfortunately, during our call, i missed many performances in the campfire. Haiz, relax bob, it's worth it... :) But still, i took some shots of one of the performance, the faancy drill. It was originated from the boys' brigade and the performers were jeered at for copying their moves.

9.30pm-- Campfire's over! WOOHOO! Some went aww~ but i went YEEAHH! i can go home early i thought. :D WE HAD TO CLEAR UP THE WHOLE THING AGAIN?!?!?!?! WHAT THE 100x FUCK!! Enough said and thoughts, i just listened to orders and placed the benches and tables back to the canteen. We also had to clear the fire pit where the fire was burning during the campfire. Heavy job it was but we managed to pull through it though :) I had to pick up the litters on the parade square too. GAAHHH! WHY AM I SHARING THIS HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE!

Skip!Skip!Skip~ and i went home at 11.45pm. I took a taxi at 11.59pm. (Lucky me since i won't have to pay 50% extra which i had to if i were to take a taxi after midnight :D)

12.30am-- Threw down my bag and savage my toiletries from my "one-day camp", rushed to the toilet and had a long shower until it was 1.00am. Brushed my teeth after that folowed by watching Drake&Josh, my favourite comedy show about conflicts between two brothers and their "evil" sister. Dead for 6 hours after that and went for tuition at 9am.

9.30am-- Today, i went to Shaw Plaza's McDonalds and had my breakfast, a big one since i was seriously famished from yesterday's hard work and not forgetting that i had to walk in with my aching body. It was aching everywhere ahh~ Ahh~ AHHH!! Okokokokok relax GUYS. :)

Nothing much to talk about today, just had 3 tuitions altogether. Emaths, Amaths and chinese.

Now, off to my dinner! :)

we used to be- 2:59 AM

Friday, August 15, 2008

7.30pm-- OH I AM SOOOOOOOOOO~~ tired.. WHEW! finally back home after a harsh day at school.

6.30am-- I reached school and went up to my class level as usual everyday since my parents are not in singapore to take me to school. I saw Noel just outside the classroom and asked which why was he exceptinally early today. I know the reason actually... He wanted to talk to my girlfriend about his family problems but he just said i dont know... So i was like hahaha okay... And just talked to him about school stuff. So anyway, she came up and not wanting to be the middle man, i told them i'll be going to the washroom. Once im done in the washroom, stepped outside the washroom door, the both of them disappeared. So i thought where might they be?? Hahaha but i trust her so i dont bother to check on them and just sat down on the floor, waiting for the time to fly.

After morning assembly, (nothing much to say at that period) i went back to class with my friends, sat down and texted her about what happened earlier.. I waited for so long but still no reply. So i got a little bit petty but i was like: *sigh* okay bobby, dont let it out, just relax and focus on your studies... And so i did and stopped looking on my phone until i came home.

Gosh, today was TIRING, lessons were tortures! Except english lesson though, i put my brains at work during that period of time. I slept during chinese class(my most hatred class) and maths. The rest was just okay i guess.

After dismissal, i went to the toilet with Guan Siang to change into my PT kit. I asked Guan siang if he was steady with Shermaine. He's reply was..... ahh nevermind, im not telling, its a secret between us, and i'll share my secrets with him too, i know i can trust him. :) So anyway, i went out of the toilet and circles around the school to help him find his CCA teacher for his CCA room key. I parted with him outside his CCA room and went for my lunch with Hock Siong. Today's lunch is fried rice! Im a growing boy so i eat alot.. :) (TRUST ME i look many many many times fatter when i was in primary school).

1.30pm-- Archery class began! YEEEAAAHHH!!! My favourite part of the day! Uncle err... Shit i forgot his name. Lets just call him Uncle Boo shall we? So Uncle Boo came in as a new instructor for the day. He was a former NPCC from a school i do not know. We recapped a few safety precautions and started practicing. I shot many yellow area! Awwright! :) Oh! almost forgot. The white area is out of target area, the black circle is the biggest circle, followed by blue red and yellow as the smallest target circle. If i dont hit a yellow, i'd either hit a red(most of it) or the circumference of red circle. Unfortunately, during a competition against the NPCC, I HIT ALWAYS HIT THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE YELLOW TARGET! FUCK MAN! Wtf was wrong with me back then? Aaanyway, "justice" was served to the loser. Our fellow scouts had to do the banana dance, a sexy one. It was seriously lame and i chose not to do it since i find it humiliating.

4.30pm-- That was the end of archery. (Awww~) We moved on to learning campfire songs for tomorrow's campfire. It was one of the lamest activity of the day. The most embarassing one was when we were to huddle together and sing "The More We Get Together". We were forced to be enthusiastic or else we would not move on. Ahh fuck it i dont wanna talk about it. The more i talk about it, the more i hate about my CCA. Sometimes i really want time to fly and become a secondary 4 student so that i will not need to attend Scouts for that year. The reason is that i have no friends there, well at least i have some to talk to but those are childish ones i dont bother to talk to. I'd loved scouting during my junior days because i have all my friends there and it was always fun. I lost two of my friends Zhen Jie, which i am completely neuttal with but he's still petty with me since that incident last year, and Vincent Widjaja, REALLY REALLY REALLY good friend of mine of the same country. I do not know what happened to him just that sometimes he said i am a very extra person nowadays and treat me like an enemy. Seriously, how childish can he get..? Is this rational bully from Zhen Jie? Well whatever it is, i don't give a damm anymore, i dont care about them, i dont care about my CCA. I get CCA points and im outta my CCA for good. Im not saying about Wei Yuan, Boon Chong or Chong Kwan. They're still my friends though.. :)

So my CCA ended at 5.20pm and i staggered my tired legs to the bus-stop with my CCA polo tee and long pants, took bus 56(57?) home, had dinner(chicken rice) and a hot shower and will do my work after this. :)

we used to be- 4:53 AM

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I dont know if i have much to say today but i'll just update because i got nothing to do right now. :)

Today's starter is PE! Nahhh, not very appetizing huh.. The boys who passed their 2.4km run were to play games for today. Unfortunately, we were only allowed to play in the school field. (WTF??)Only soccer ball was provided. As we proceed to the field, we kicked the ball around before we started playing a match. Then, the 3N3 guys came in and "extra-ed" us. They stole our ball and kicked it around as if it's nobody's business. So i thought we might as well play with them but my friends decided to leave with," wahh, they spoiler sia..." So my mind was like: they hum ah? Dont dare play with "pai kias". Anyway, my friends left so i went away as a coward too since Hock Siong is the only one playing with them.

SO... we ended up playing "chapteh" at the red area outside the school field. The objective is to juggle the chapteh in the air for 10 kicks, then 20 kicks with my friends as we passed it to each other.

We managed to do 15 only though. (DISAPPOINTED~~~) And then Hong Hui came into the scene and joined in. He juggled the chapteh for more than 10 times himself! Cool i guess..

Mr Rohan, our PE teacher came back to us and asked us where the soccer ball is (it's school's property). Hock Siong said that all of us did not want to play but the fact is that we ALL wanted to play just that some of us are too coward to play with them. We got scolded then and were told that we were untrustable. (???)

English class after recess was a sad moment for me. My comprehension got 26/50. (WTF?!?!?!?!?!) IS MY ENGLISH THAT BAD?!?! Nevermind, what's done is done i'll do better next time. Then it was time foooooooooorrrr~~~ assembly! :)(Lazy to write about school hours before and after recess since there's nothing much to talk about). Glenn Lim talked to us with an outstanding speech of his teenagehood about him smuggling drugs and being unfilial to his family due to bad parenting i guess. Video was screened at the end of the talk for 20 minutes and we were released 20 minutes late then. Nevermind that i guess, since i had to stay back in school to do some painting for the banner for Saturday's Beatty Beaver's Scout Campfire. Oh and by the way, i did not tell you readers what Glenn said to us. IF, you're keen to know about his life, please visit www.glennlim.net. :) (I think)

At 2.45pm, (YOU'RE LATE CHONG HAN!!stupid counsellor meeting...) we entered the gallery to start our paint. I took a detour there as Mr. Singh, our school's OM, was spotted at the route to the gallery. OF COURSE I HAD TO REMAIN UNSEEN FROM HIM!! That fucked up bastard muhfucker has been catching students for bad behaviour! EVERY SINGLE DAY WITHOUT FAIL! And my issue was hair... WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY HAIR? IT'S SHORT!!! I just like it styled and he thought it's long and have to be cut into nerrrd hairstyles. (No offence to those readers) So anyway, i placed my bag inside the Scout Den and changed into my PE attire. (I was in uniform as the school rules states that everyone have to be in school uniform everyday except mondays). My patrol, the lion patrol(lame name), laid out a medium sized black piece of cloth to be used as a banner and i started designing the banner. Once it was done, the rest painted the banner and i went straight home since i had to rush.

After i reached home, at 4.50pm, my girlfriend called me and asked me if i could meet up with her before she meets up with her friend at 6pm. I guess i gave a yes since it has been a long time since i dated her. About a week i guess. (Is one week long? No?) Anyway, i rushed for a hot shower and rushed out to Novena MRT station carrying 50 bucks to buy a new pencil case after im done meeting up with her. (The old one SUCKS!!)

Time flew to 5.14pm and i met her at..... Nah... Not telling or i maybe easily found out next time. So i saw her sitting down and waved at her. She looked tired and i asked her what happened. So i guess a walk and sharing an ice-cream with her might wake her up. So i walked with her to NTUC Fairprice since we had nowhere else to walk around, looked around and OH! She was staring at cookies at the cookie shelf and i was like," do you want some?" Nah, was her reply. And we went on holding hands. (Aww, so sweet..) As we went out of the supermarket, i bought her a mango snow ice costing me $3.90. We sat down at a place where alot of people sit and shared the ice-cream. She keeps feeding me... (Haha sweet girl..) But my mind was like YAY~ I HAVE A TOOL TO FEED ME!!!! Haha just kidding. :)

6.00pm, aww..... She had to go... So soon.....? But it was okay, it was worth meeting up with her. :) so waved at her and went back to Novena. There, i bought a new pencil case. It wasnt that nice but the rest was hideous! So i chose that one for $19.90. Then i ate my dinner at Long John Silvers, ordering grilled fish on rice with black pepper sauce and Coke Zero for a drink.

Went home after dinner, placed my stationery into my new pencil box, sat down on the computer and started on my blog..

we used to be- 4:14 AM

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Nothing much to say for today, guess im just a lazy ass. XD

TEST, TEST & TEST!!!! Emaths and physics test were called for today.

Emaths-- May get full marks
Physics-- May get high marks but have chance that i might lose to my friends. :(

I got back my poa and my chinese tests also!

Chinese-- FAIL AS ALWAYS! im not a chinese speaker nor i watch chinese programmes HELLO~~ In the end, 19/50... :( btw, our group only have 4 passes out of 27 students! nice one~~
POA-- Full marks. Gino highlighted my mistake which might have cost me half a mark. I helped him obtain half a mark also by pointing out his mistake so we both get full marks! 15/15

So anyway, we were released early by our kind physics teacher, at around lets say.... 1.50pm, 10 minutes before dismissal time! Me and my brathas went to the canteen to buy fish burger and milo packet back to class to prepare for 2.00pm's Social Studies LSP.

Turned out she did not show up as i was playing chapteh with my friends in class OUR VERSION of course. Simple rule, kick it into the box on the shelf! Asyraf scored all the goals while non of the rest did including me.

Outside our school after the game of "chapteh", Alexis, Gino, Wei Yuan and i went to the nearby HDB fitness corner for the aged and messed around with the equipments. Alexis was having "bicycle sex" with me. Have the video but yeah... Lazy to convert. :D We then spun around the rotating thingy and imitated the pose of the big head XD what fun and lots of laugh we had back there.

I guess that's all for today, went home and converted the fencing video into a wmv format.

OH OH! i forgot, when i reached home smelly and sticky, craving for a hot shower, the main sewage was blocked and the SEWAGE water came out from the the hole at the master bedroom's toilet. EEWW!! i can see alot of black black thing on the floor and worse of all, SHIT FLOATING AROUND THE TOILET FLOOR OMGWTFBBQ!! So i had to wait until 3.30pm until the plumberman comes and fix the problem until i can have my shower. 4.30pm and he did not come, i took a shower at the second toilet just outside the master bedroom but have to limit the water usage just in case alot of water comes out from the hole again. IM FINALLY CLEAN! i thought. And i threw my dirty uniform in the kitchen and hang the towel and jumped dead on the bed for my afternoon nap :)

Now that's what i call that's all for today. :)

we used to be- 4:50 AM

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Can't write much now, have to study for tomorrow's maths and physics test. Our class had a one-day fencing session today. We rode a low-class bus judging from the old-fashioned interior design.

I thought our lesson will be held at somewhere grand or probably a CC but it was held at a very old place like a dark alley. The entrance was covered with wood to have the traditional feeling. But we had to walk up a flight of dirty staircase to our destination.

As we placed our belonging at the side of the sparring room, we listened to instructions on handling the three types of weapons, the foil, the epee and the sabre. We were using the epee because it was the easiest to use and no rules were to be adhered during sparring.

Practices was fun but we were somewhat uncooperative with the instructor from the loud noises we make. Hock Siong was my partner and we were the top jokers in practices and sparring. After we were dont practicing with plastic weapons, it was time to use the real one. Hock Siong and i went third as i took a video of the first match between two of my classmates Kenny and Noel.

During our turn, hahaha what jokers we were at that time. i went RAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he also went RAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! but we were only walking towards each other and slowly hit each other until i scored the first hit. Our final score was 5-2. i won!! yay~ video also taken by my friend.

We had a rematch but i lost 3-1 this time. awwww... :( Hahaha anyway, i have to stop now, i gotta continue studying for my tests tomorrow. See ya.

The first photo i took.

Instructions before the real thing.

Took it, nothing to do :)

Im holding the plastic sword with a jedi pose, cool eh? :) that's the end of the day

Hilarious video of me sparring against Hock Siong.

we used to be- 5:16 AM

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hey guys, nothing much to say but today, i went out with Guan Siang, Gino, and Hock Siong to play basketball at my auntie's house again. I started off playing with Guan Siang and Gino first. GOD! i got thrashed by Guan Siang (a.k.a big head). Guys, i shall now officially refer Guan Siang as big head :). anyway i got thrashed by him with score 5-1. (WTF???)

Anyway, Hock Siong entered the arena from me fetching him from the back gate. He stripped off his clothes and went on playing basketball. (He's a pro). I teamed up with Hock Siong and he's like wtf??? He kept scolding me fat indonesian pig. I know he's just playing then i just join in the "game" i guess. I went like this ,"YOU THINK YOUR MOTHER FATHER BLACK YOU BIG AH YOU KNNBCCBKPBP OMGWTFBBQ!111 FUCK YOUR MALAYSIAN FAMILY TO THE CORE LAH!" something like that i guess :). And then we just kept on playing. Then there was this score he made and then he screamed RAWR!!! YEAAHH!!!! and spit saliva on me. (WTF?!?!?!?!?!) I was like ," FUCK YOU LAH SPIT SPIT SPIT CB FUCK!" and i spit twice as much as him. Alas, we turned out spitting at each other. Disgusting freak. We play, but at times we dont go overbroad right? zzz.

After that, we went for a swim! Woohoo! Hehe, Gino and Hock Siong went for a headstart while i send big head to the back gate. What fun we had for a swim. There wasnt anybody around so we went "raping" each other in the pool. :D i kept pulling Hock Siong's swimming pants as we always do especially in class. Gross dont you think? Nah its not, we're used to it. :) Then we played "find the goggles" game. They threw my goggles here and there and we kept on playing until we're tired and went for a suntan in the HOT weather. Btw, my nose got a sunburn. :( Aaaaanyway, Hock Siong was on his UNDIES when he was suntanning. I REPEAT UNDIES!!! NOT SWIMMING PANTS!!! WHAT A SEXY BITCH!!!! i decided to take some pictures XD (for 14 years and above only).

We went to the gym after that to chill around and finally went to United square and ate like fucked up hungry pigs! I ate 2 serving of "food" and Hock Siong ate three! Fat ass! Then i thought... Ooooooh!!! The "food" is a bad combo to my stomach! and thus the day ends here with me running home and "you know what".


my sexy shooting pose

Take no.1 hot ass~

Take no.2

Take no.3 :)

we used to be- 3:08 AM

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Three days ago, after my school's X-country event,i met up with my friends Gino and Guan Siang at the bus-stop near my house. We're planning to play basketball in the afternoon at my auntie's house. So i waited at my house bus-stop at around 2 plus until i met up with Guan Siang. We sat and talked like gays (we are NOT gays). He kept asking me who my girlfriend is but i kept telling him its not her which in fact is someone else. Tough luck Guan Siang :) You'll find out by yourself soon enough. Anyway thirty minutes later, Gino's spotted at bus 57 which took us 30 minutes long to wait. God! Whats wrong with him! Took long enough to come huh, always and will always be late.

Haha, anyway we made our way to my auntie's house by jay walking, and finally reached the back gate of that gigantic spacious magnificent condominium of hers. Wow! you guys should come see one day :) maybe i might host a barbeque party during my birthday :)

Moving on, upon opening the back gate with AWESOME security technology with the usage of a key card to tap-and-open the door, Gino, Guan Siang and i strolled over a pond of kois, passed by an enormous tennis court (no one was inside though) and walked by an empty swimming pool. We then reached a half-court basketball court, dropped our stuff at the sides of the court and i threw in the first ball :D Guan Siang was changing his clothes so as to not be smelly after the game. Eww, he's actually using my clothes, how's it gonna fit through his head? XD just kidding.

Anyway, we played and played for an hour plus until i injured my left hand's ring finger (i can't get married nooooo XD)so i stopped playing basketball and watched them play instead for another 20 minutes until i barged in and shot in another score. We then played a simple game of ABCD of basketball where we have to shoot in different angles in one round to win the game. Guan Siang won, i was the runner up and Gino, LOSER~~~ hahaha anyway we then played a game called D,I,E. The rules are simple: the first scorer will be mimed by the rest. If missed score, D is given, followed by I and E will end the person's privilage of playing.

After playing for more than 2 hours, we were all sweating like hell and we staggered our way to the gym, where we can enjoy the cool aircon and train up our bodies. I bought drinks for them to chill inside the gym. It was a hell-af-a fun and mostly relaxing time there. I was messing around with the equipments along with Gino. The most fun part was playing around with the bouncing ball thingy. Wow, i laughed and farted alot when i was playing with it.

After an hour of chilling around the gym, we played another 30 minutes of basketball under the dark clouds. Believe me, it was only 4.35pm and the clouds are like the night sky. I played with my injured finger and won Guan Siang in the first round while Gino was just sitting around. But Guan Siang owned me in the second round for i was extremely in a fatigue. So, the score was 2-1 overall, 1 from the earlier part of the day.

We relaxed for 5 minutes as Guan Siang gave me back my clothes. Pheeeew! It was goddamm smelly! *vomits* haha anyway, we rushed home as the dark clouds signals heavy rain.

I staggered home with an injured thigh which i realised on my way home.

Gino the slouch

I am slouchier :)

no comments :)

we used to be- 6:28 AM

hey guys. my first time blogging, will try to update soon ya :)
i still have to focus on studies etc. dont i? :)

we used to be- 4:28 AM


Name: Bobby Muljono
Age:15 this year
Blood Type: Unknown
CCA: Scouts
School: Beatty Secondary School


Playing basketball
My family
My friends
To sleep


Act cute morons
Childish people


To be with her eternally
Have a happy family
To own a dog




August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008



